COVID policy with traffic light system.
ROCPAC remains committed to making sure staff and customers are interacting with a safe, protected, and healthy work environment. This means we are following the Ministry of Health guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing, mask use, hand sanitising, vaccinations. Our goal is to restrict opportunities for transmission of COVID as much as possible and, as such, ROCPAC will update this policy keeping in line with any MoH changes as time goes on. We are proud that New Zealand remains among the top countries with the lowest COVID transmission rates, an accomplishment that is only achieved by following the official guidelines and making sure our staff, customers, and supply chain partners are all behind this effort as well. As we head towards a 90% vaccination rate we want to convey that all ROCPAC staff have received their full vaccinations and that the ROCPAC offices and warehouses will be abiding by the traffic light system which comes into effect on December 3rd. Information about the traffic light system can be found at www.covid19.govt.nz Our ROCPAC office will be following the rules in place for the "Red" phase of this new system which means that our staff will be working from home when possible and that we will continue to allow pick-ups with the expected protections in place: social distancing, mask wearing, and QR code sign-ins. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact the ROCPAC team on 0800 ROCPAC (0800 762 722) or email us at cs@rocpac.co.nz. Thank you. Stay safe.
Our goal is to restrict opportunities for transmission of COVID as much as possible and, as such, ROCPAC will update this policy keeping in line with any MoH changes as time goes on. We are proud that New Zealand remains among the top countries with the lowest COVID transmission rates, an accomplishment that is only achieved by following the official guidelines and making sure our staff, customers, and supply chain partners are all behind this effort as well.
As we head towards a 90% vaccination rate we want to convey that all ROCPAC staff have received their full vaccinations and that the ROCPAC offices and warehouses will be abiding by the traffic light system which comes into effect on December 3rd. Information about the traffic light system can be found at www.covid19.govt.nz
Our ROCPAC office will be following the rules in place for the "Red" phase of this new system which means that our staff will be working from home when possible and that we will continue to allow pick-ups with the expected protections in place: social distancing, mask wearing, and QR code sign-ins.
If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact the ROCPAC team on 0800 ROCPAC (0800 762 722) or email us at cs@rocpac.co.nz.
Thank you. Stay safe.