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COVID-19 Update: Auckland Lockdown Level 3

28 February, 2021

Dear Partner, As you are aware, the Government announced that Auckland will move to Alert Level 3 from Sunday 28th February and the rest of the country will be at Alert Level 2 for 1 week. With ROCPAC classed as an essential service under the telecommunications supply chain, we will remain operational for business during the lockdown period. Our staff will be working remotely for the most part and will remain accessible by email and phone. You may experience delays over the phone as we manage this process remotely, however we will endeavor to respond as soon as we can. We will aim to provide any further updates and how this will impact your business as we continue during this unsettling time. If you have any further question or concerns, please contact us via email: cs@rocpac.co.nz or enquiries@rocpac.co.nz Our operating hours are from 7.30am - 5.30pm. - Monday to Friday. Take care and stay safe Warm Regards, ROCPAC Team

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