End of Year Closure 2024-2025
21 Nov 2024
To our valued customers and suppliers,
ROCPAC Christmas and New Year hours will be as follows:
CLOSED: Tuesday 24th December – Midday
RE-OPEN: Monday 6th January 2025 - 7.30-5.00
Despatch deadline for 2024 will be midday Friday 20th December.
Make sure to get your order in befofre then.
Inwards Deadline for 2024 will be Friday 20th December.
Please ensure you get your deliveries in by no later than the requested date as any deliveries are likely to be rejected during our closure period.Alternatively, you could hold off delivery until our inwards re-open on Monday 6th January 2025.
It is important that your invoices reflect the despatch and delivery month by which goods have been released.
The team at ROCPAC would like to thank you for your support throughout 2024 and we look forward to continuing this relationship in 2025 and beyond.
Paul Van Dorp - KiwiBank's Kiwibanks Local Hero Medalist
5 Dec 2023
Kia Ora,
We hope this message finds you well.
Today, we’re overjoyed to share some inspiring news that truly embodies the spirit and values of BioBonds.
ROCZero are thrilled to announce that Paul, the co-founder and the driving force behind BioBonds, has been nominated for the KiwiBank New Zealander of the Year award. This prestigious nomination recognises his extraordinary dedication, visionary leadership, and unwavering commitment to environmental excellence, especially for his impactful work in planting native NZ trees and significantly offsetting carbon through BioBonds.
Remarkably, Paul has not only reached the top 100 finalists but has also been honored with a medal – a moment of immense pride for us all. This accolade not only acknowledges his personal achievements but also shines a light on the vital work we do at BioBonds.
We invite you to watch this https://youtu.be/Q6T_ToQA4vc video that captures Paul's remarkable journey. As we eagerly await the announcement of the top 10 in mid-December, we are filled with anticipation and hope.
This nomination has deeply humbled and inspired Paul. Far from resting on his laurels, it has ignited a fiercer determination in him to push our mission even further. The entire BioBonds team is exhilarated, and we are committed to showing KiwiBank that we are truly deserving of this recognition.
Celebrating such milestones is crucial – they reflect our collective efforts and the positive impact we aim to make in our community and beyond. This accolade is not just a personal achievement for Paul but a collective triumph for all of us at BioBonds, including our valued clients and partners like you.
We will keep you updated on the award’s progression. As we continue our journey together, let's pause to appreciate these significant achievements that fuel our motivation to reach even greater heights.
Thank you for being an essential part of our story and journey. Here's to many more shared successes!
Warm regards, ROCPAC
ROCPAC partners with BioBonds and creates ROCZero
18 Sep 2023
Dear Valued Partner, Further to our previous news release, ROCPAC are pleased to announce that we have successfully achieved carbonreduce status from Toitū Envirocare for the year 2021 and 2022.
Seeing first hand over the last two decades the carbon pollution that a supply chain and logistics operation creates for our planet, has been a driving factor in committing to having ROCPAC held accountable for its carbon footprint.
ROCPAC have partnered with BioBonds, which was created by the brainchild of ROCPAC MD, philanthropist and conservationist, Paul Van Dorp. Together we have created ROCZero and are excited to be able to help you and your company reduce your emissions. To date, Paul has privately funded the planting of 820,000 native tree saplings in the Kaipara district to assist with global carbon sequestration.
Introducing: BioBonds - https://youtu.be/X1XFTvi3aOU
BioBonds are raising funds to purchase land, plant and maintain indigenous native forests to reduce carbon pollution from the atmosphere. They will put a value on the restoration of the biodiversity, and the carbon sequestration benefits.
All forests will be 100% owned by a charitable foundation and therefore the majority of contributions can be considered a donation and qualify for a tax rebate. This is a solution for you, corporates and New Zealanders to meet the 2050 Paris Climate Accord commitments.
ROCZero is now a certified Bond Agent 002 for BioBonds. Doing the right thing by our planet has never been easier, ask us! We have purchased 185 BioBonds to commence offsetting our footprint. Should you wish to discover how we can help you reduce your emissions, contact Irfaan on +642108161219Kind Regards,
Irfaan and ROCZero Team
South Island Rail Bulk Freight Delays
15 Sep 2023
Dear Valued Customers,
KiwiRail have closed the Main North Line between Blenheim and Picton to allow for urgent repairs to be completed on a bridge just south of Koromiko. The timber bridge has been under constant monitoring and is due to be replaced next year, however we were disappointed to learn that this has not been enough and has resulted in this unexpected closure estimated to last for 7-10 days.
Our Carrier Partners have worked hard since learning of this closure to set up road-bridging options for rail freight, as well as expanded their road fleet to ensure your freight continues to move. However please be aware that it is likely that South Island bulk freight will experience up to 24 hour delays in transit while this situation is resolved.
If you have any questions or concerns on specific shipments please talk with your Customer Services Team on 0800 762 722 or by email: cs@rocpac.co.nz
Exciting News from the ROCPAC GM!!
5 Sep 2023
ROCPAC are pleased to announce that we have successfully achieved carbonreduce status from Toitū Envirocare for the year 2021 and 2022.
Long Weekend Easter Closure
4 Apr 2023
Please be aware that ROCPAC will be closed from Good Friday 7th April through to Monday 10th April 2023.
We would like to wish you and your family a Safe and Happy Easter.
Business to resume as normal on Tuesday 11th April 2023.
Auckland warehouse operational - Auckland office closed Tuesday 14th
13 Feb 2023
Our Auckland warehouse is now operational again, albeit with reduced staff numbers and some minor flooding in the yard. We are expecting our Auckland office to re-open on Wednesday 15th. Thank you for your patience.
ROCPAC Auckland Warehouse facilities closing 12pm Monday 13th February due to weather.
12 Feb 2023
Our intention is to be open for business from 8:30am Tuesday morning post a review of the weather events at 7am. Please note that our Customer Service Teams and staff who can work from home will still be operating (power permitting) throughout this period. Thank you and stay safe.
ROCPAC Auckland office closed Monday 13th Feb
12 Feb 2023
Due to the terrible weather, ROCPAC's Auckland office will not be open today. We will still be able to ship orders via our warehouse and can still arrange pick-ups when needed. Please call ahead to ensure your order is being taken care of. Thank you
Upcoming Public Holiday | Long Weekend
24 Jan 2023
Our Auckland site and head office will be celebrating Auckland Anniversary on Monday 30th January and will return to work on Tuesday 31st January, our Christchurch facilities will be operating as normal on Monday 31st January.
On Monday 6th February, New Zealand will celebrate Waitangi day and we will return to work on Tuesday 7th February.
Due to the holidays, there may be a delay in processing your orders. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and want to assure you that we will do our best to work through any delays as quickly as possible.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Services team.
ROCPAC Christmas & New Year Closure 2022 - 2023
15 Dec 2022
ROCPAC Christmas and New Year hours will be as follows:CLOSED: Friday 23rd December – (Mid-day)
OPEN: Wednesday 4th January 2023 – (7.30am – 5.30pm)Despatch deadline for delivery before Christmas will be 12pm Friday 16th December.
Inwards deadline for 2022 will be Wednesday 21st December. It is important to note that orders for Christmas delivery will need to be placed by 16th December, orders placed between 19th and 23rd December are not guaranteed to be delivered in time for Christmas delivery, however we will endeavour to find a solution with a freight carrier where possible. CARRIER CUTOFFSLast day of dispatch for delivery before Christmas:NATIONWIDE BULK: Friday 16th Dec
NATIONWIDE COURIER: Monday 19th DecThe team at ROCPAC International extends its best wishes to you for a joyous holiday season and continuoud happiness and prosperity throughout the New Year.
ROCPAC closed on Labour Day 24 October
20 Oct 2022
Please be advised that ROCPAC will be closed on the 24th October for Labour Day.
ROCPAC will observe the public holiday on 26 September
23 Sep 2022
Please be aware that ROCPAC will be observing the public holiday on 26 September in memory of the Queen's passing. This means ROCPAC and our warehouse services will be unavailable on this day. Thank you
Main stocktake 13-18 July
11 Jul 2022
Please be informed that ROCPAC will be undertaking a stocktake of our main warehouses in Auckland Christchurch from 13th July - 18th July. Notices have been sent to customers and suppliers however if there are any issues please contact us through usual means and we will see how we can help. Thank you
Consigned Stocktake 24-27 March
16 Mar 2022
Please be informed that both ROCPAC Auckland and Christchurch stores will be conducting a stock take from Thursday 24th March to Sunday 27th March 2022.
This means inwards and despatch will be closed 22nd March until 27th March.
If you have any stock requirements coming up, please aim to get your orders in prior to the closure date or hold the orders until after the closure period.
We appreciate your kind understanding in this respect and would like to thank you for your continued support.
Temporary Continuity Surcharge on NZPost Courier
1 Mar 2022
NZ Post has advised that from 1 April 2022 they will be introducing a 2.5% temporary surcharge. Unfortunately we need to pass this on to our customers. NZ Post had a huge surge in orders being couriered during the Delta lockdowns and now with Omicron taking hold, the measures taken by NZ Post to try and mitigate this surge has meant an increase is needed.
End of Year Closure Dates
1 Dec 2021
ROCPAC Christmas and New Year hours will be as follows:
CLOSED: Thursday 23rd December – (Mid-day)
OPEN: Wednesday 5th January 2022 – (7.30am – 5.30pm)
Despatch deadline for new orders will be Wednesday 22nd December 11am.
Inwards deadline for 2021 will be Wednesday 22nd December 12pm.Carrier information:
The last day for nationwide bulk is Friday 17th December.
The last day for nationwide courier is Monday 20th December.
Please have your orders placed with us at least 24 hours prior to these dates in order to meet the deadline.
COVID policy with traffic light system.
24 Nov 2021
ROCPAC remains committed to making sure staff and customers are interacting with a safe, protected, and healthy work environment. This means we are following the Ministry of Health guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing, mask use, hand sanitising, vaccinations.
Our goal is to restrict opportunities for transmission of COVID as much as possible and, as such, ROCPAC will update this policy keeping in line with any MoH changes as time goes on. We are proud that New Zealand remains among the top countries with the lowest COVID transmission rates, an accomplishment that is only achieved by following the official guidelines and making sure our staff, customers, and supply chain partners are all behind this effort as well.
As we head towards a 90% vaccination rate we want to convey that all ROCPAC staff have received their full vaccinations and that the ROCPAC offices and warehouses will be abiding by the traffic light system which comes into effect on December 3rd. Information about the traffic light system can be found at www.covid19.govt.nz
Our ROCPAC office will be following the rules in place for the "Red" phase of this new system which means that our staff will be working from home when possible and that we will continue to allow pick-ups with the expected protections in place: social distancing, mask wearing, and QR code sign-ins. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact the ROCPAC team on 0800 ROCPAC (0800 762 722) or email us at cs@rocpac.co.nz.
Thank you. Stay safe.
Freight changes regarding 25kg and 0.125 cubic
8 Nov 2021
Due to health and safety concerns for NZ Post Courier Operators and operational staff, NZ Post have advised that they are no longer able to deliver oversized items in their courier network.
These are single items that are heavier than 25kg or larger than 0.125 cubic metres. NZ Post are taking these steps to protect the health and well-being of their staff as items of this measurement are considered too large for a single person to manual handle. This decision has aligned them with current best practice across the courier industry.
As you would be aware, the change in acceptance of the dimensions 25kg and 0.125cbm may affect some shipments of your products that we despatch on your behalf. In order to continue to send these products and comply with the Health & Safety Standards set by NZ Post, we will now have to use alternative transport methods. Currently, we are able to send the oversize products on bulk carriers however we are currently seeking competitive alternate carriers.
Any further changes surrounding this, our customers and support partners will be notified.
In closing, once again thank you for your continued support and understanding while we continue to work through this challenging time together and support the Health & Safety with our partners.
Auckland moving to Level 3 Part 2
8 Nov 2021
ROCPAC has been continuing to ship orders throughout New Zealand during the COVID restrictions this year as well as pick-up orders from our office in Auckland and we thought it'd be important to let you know how we'll be functioning during the next part of Level 3 restrictions.
We want to make sure that our customers are getting the items when they need them and so our Customer Services team will be available on email or phone to arrange pick-ups when required. While government advice is to allow some social contact, ROCPAC intends to continue the process of encouraging social distancing to minimise any risk to our customers and our staff. As such, we will be using the two-door entry at reception as a sort of 'air-lock' area for customers to pick up their materials. Any additional arrangements our customers required can be organised with our team when placing orders.
We hope you and your families are keeping safe and we look forward to Auckland opening up a bit more so we can all enjoy this summer.
Level 3 and ROCPAC update
23 Sep 2021
With Auckland moving into Alert Level 3, ROCPAC is continuing to function as normal albeit with reduced staff in the warehouse in order to reduce any possible COVID transmission. We have been fortunate to avoid any outbreaks within our operations as well as avoiding any unforeseen delays in receiving and shipping materials. With that being said, the courier network through the country has been running at a reduced capacity due to COVID limitations and ROCPAC is working with all our freight associates to meet our customer requirements. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our CS team.
Stay safe, stay masked. Let's all see Level 2 in two weeks so we can all enjoy our summer.
General Update AUG-21
2 Aug 2021
With New Zealand remaining on Level 1 alert status regarding COVID-19 for quite some time, the country has been in a fairly unique position which has allowed business and trade to generally proceed as normal. However, as many of our supply chain partners have noticed, international freight and access to materials has been the cause of many ongoing delays and increases in costs, issues which have been further complicated by extreme weather events in some key distribution and manufacturing areas.
ROCPAC stands with the rest of the world as we watch these unfortunate events unfold, and our thoughts go to all those affected by these calamities. We must also acknowledge that, as a key supply chain partner in the NZ telecommunications market, we have a responsibility to navigate our way through these issues while mitigating unnecessary delays where possible which affect both our supplier and our customer ends.
We are continuing to work closely with our partners to ensure delays are kept to a minimum as we look forward for new opportunities to deliver improved services in supply chain management.
COVID-19 Update: Auckland Lockdown Level 3
28 Feb 2021
Dear Partner,
As you are aware, the Government announced that Auckland will move to Alert Level 3 from Sunday 28th February and the rest of the country will be at Alert Level 2 for 1 week.
With ROCPAC classed as an essential service under the telecommunications supply chain, we will remain operational for business during the lockdown period.
Our staff will be working remotely for the most part and will remain accessible by email and phone.
You may experience delays over the phone as we manage this process remotely, however we will endeavor to respond as soon as we can.
We will aim to provide any further updates and how this will impact your business as we continue during this unsettling time.
If you have any further question or concerns, please contact us via email: cs@rocpac.co.nz or enquiries@rocpac.co.nz
Our operating hours are from 7.30am - 5.30pm. - Monday to Friday.
Take care and stay safe Warm Regards, ROCPAC Team
ROCPAC Christchurch Warehouse Relocation
20 Jul 2020
With changing times, the challenges we are faced with and unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances within our industry in regards to COVID-19’s impact on our business, ROCPAC has been working with our existing customers to consolidate and reduce our warehousing associated costs and foot-print.
We would therefore like to announce that we will be relocating our Christchurch warehouse facility. The team at ROCPAC would like to thank the wider team at Sorted Logistics for their high quality, customised warehousing management systems, and services in the last 6 years. Our time with Sorted Logistics has seen amazing partnerships and business relationships which go beyond borders, and we highly recommend their services to interested parties that are considering warehousing management solutions. We will close our current Christchurch warehouse facility Friday 31st July, to begin the transition and will re-open for normal operation at our new location on Monday 3rd August. Our business, including website, email, and telephones, will be fully operational during the transition. You will not experience any degradation in our services during this time. Please update your records with our new contact information (below):ROCPAC International
c/- Supply Chain Solutions
620 Main South Road
ROCPAC & Downer Venture
20 Jul 2020
ROCPAC is pleased to announce a new chapter in their relationship with Downer New Zealand Limited. In June, ROCPAC began assisting Downer manage stock for its Electrical division and inventory overflow requirements.
This is an exciting new area of growth for ROCPAC. We look forward to seeing these projects flourish as well as enabling further growth opportunities for ROCPAC in the future.
COVID-19 - Carrier Update
29 Mar 2020
Carrier Status: All of SCS/ROCPAC’ contracted carriers are essential businesses and have been operating during the level 4 Alert.
Delivery timeframes may be delayed – these are exceptional circumstances and we would please ask you and your customers to be aware that there is unprecedented change across the transport network along with an increase in health and safety requirements as we all try to operate with as much caution as possible in stopping the spread of the virus. With this in mind please be aware normal turn around times for deliveries will be affected and to be as patient as possible as we try to work through the crisis. You will still be able to track your shipments as normal and our customer service staff are also there to assist with any queries.
COLLECT ORDERS: You will need to notify ROCPAC prior to collection for approval. The person collecting will need to complete in full the SCS/ROCPAC COVID-19 Collection or Delivery Statement. Should approval be made, collections will only be available to essential personnel for essential products. We will be following contactless protocols keeping at least a 3 metre separation at all times and paperwork will be signed by SCS/ROCPAC warehouse staff on behalf of the collector.
COURIER DELIVERIES: Will be contactless and signatures if required will be made by the courier on behalf of the consignee. Here are the current processes: Delivery of Signature Required Product NZ Post couriers (including Courier Post and Pace) will knock on the door as usual and step back two metres (or as far back as safe). They will wait for someone to come to the door and greet them as usual. They will then ask for the recipient’s name (to record proof of delivery) and leave the parcel on the doorstep. The person receiving the parcel will not sign for the delivery directly. If no one comes to the door and there is no Parcel Leave service in place, the courier will follow the standard process which is to leave a card to call, with details of the delivery and return the parcel to depot. Delivery of Non-Signature Required Product NZ Post couriers (including Courier Post and Pace) will knock on the door as usual and step back two metres (or as far back as safe). They will wait for someone to come to the door and greet them as usual. If no one comes to the door, the courier will follow the standard process which is to leave the item in a safe place or leave a card to call and return to depot if no safe place. Parcel collect service – has been suspended and all Courier post depots and NZ Post retail agencies are closed For more information on Courier deliveries please go here: https://www.nzpost.co.nz/business/covid19updates/covid-faq
BULK DELIVERIES: Are still operating but again – only for essential business taking essential products to essential customers.
Our objective within a fluid environment is to maintain services where able with best endeavours. Carriers have asked that they are not presented with any freight unless there is a high certainty that they can deliver. Where able we kindly ask that we are provided with a receiver name and phone number on each consignment to assist with delivery. Please note that any freight that cannot be delivered will be returned at cost.Bulk Contactless safety protocols -
1. Always maintain 3-metre social distancing
2. No signature required on delivery in the event a receiver is unable to sign a delivery receipt outside the 3metre zone, and with their own pen or
3. In the event of “no signature”, our drivers will request the receiver’s full name
In order to protect our teams and our essential services, it has been necessary to put in place policies to ensure we can continue to provide essential services throughout this time including protecting our staff and equipment. Drivers attending any sites have been provided with full personal protection equipment and training in all COVID-19 safety protocols. Carrier Depots: All depots and storage facilities are closed to any non-staff so collection from depots is no longer a delivery option.
COVID-19 LEVEL 4 - Order Delivery & Despatch (Essential Services)
25 Mar 2020
Dear Valued Customer,
As you are all aware New Zealand is now at Alert 4 level.
ROCPAC is classed as essential services under the telecommunications supply chain. We will be remaining open for business during the Level 4 quarantine period. Therefore, goods will be despatched as normal.
Our logistics and transport carriers are considered an essential service and will continue to provide essential delivery services at level 4.
Staff will be working remotely for the most part and will remain accessible by email and phone. You may experience delays over the phone as we manage this process remotely, however we will endeavour to tend to your call where possible.
If you have any further question or concerns, please contact us via email: cs@rocpac.co.nz or enquiries@rocpac.co.nz
Our operating hours are from 7.30am - 5.30pm.
We will aim to provide any further updates as we continue during this unsettling and unprecedented time.
Warm Regards,
ROCPAC GM Irfaan Mohammed looks forward to new challenges.
16 Sep 2019
Irfaan our General Manager is looking forward to new challenges posed by the departure from the cost-plus open book business model which Broadspectrum and ROCPAC enjoyed for 15 years. Implementing growth into the remaining business coupled with the consigned materials opportunities and seeking other new opportunities at the forefront of our efforts.
ROCPAC to visit Pacific Islands
16 Sep 2019
Gulshan Dean, ROCPAC's Pacific Sales Manager, will be accompanied by Irfaan Mohammed our General Manager on a customer visit into the Pacific Islands in the coming months.

ROCPAC Status During COVID Alert Level 4
17 August, 2021
Auckland and the Coromandel are in Alert Level 4 for the next seven days with the rest of the country on lockdown for the next three days. During this time ROCPAC will continue to function as normal, albeit with staff working from home and changes to shifts and personnel numbers in the warehouse. We are awaiting confirmations from courier companies in regards to their plan to manage delivery windows and pick-ups. At this stage we do not foresee any significant delays with the services ROCPAC provide to the telco sector. Our customer services and operations departments are able to be contacted via phone and email so please don't hesitate to contact us if you need to. Stay safe. Mask up. Let's get these seven days done and dusted.
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